Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gone by Michael Grant

Imagine being in history class, listening to the teacher talk about The Civil War. One minute it is the North against the South, the next nothing. The teacher has disappeared. In fact, everyone over the age of 14 has disappeared. Poof. Gone. Strange mutations are everywhere. Snakes with wings, coyotes that talk and the mysterious darkness in the cave cause fear and anxiety.

Days pass. Sam reluctantly becomes the leader and tries to protect the rest. Where did the older teens and adults go? What will happen when the 14-year-olds turn 15? How will they keep order and make sure everyone has the basics to survive?

I loved this book! This fantasy/sci-fi read is a page turner! There is talk of a movie. I would go and see it! If you like fantasy, this is a great book for you!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, comments were not allowed on this post! I fixed that! I think all posts should be fixed now.
