Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games, the movie

Having read this book and it's two sequels, I am eager to see the movie. Hoping to go soon! I have heard good things about it!! From both those who have not read the book and those who have!!

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

This is the biography of the woman whose cancer cells created the Hela line of DNA used for testing. It was created in the 1940s. Henrietta's family had no idea that her cells were taken for the purpose of research. Interesting real story of significant research.

Matched by Ally Condie

In the Society, Officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die. This is a YA Distopian Trilogy. In this first novel, Cassia is Matched with her best friend, Xander. She is informed via a video that flashes a picture of another young man, Ky, for just a few seconds, which causes doubts and secrets. Not just for this Match, but for all aspects of her life.

Catching Up!

I have allowed WAY too much time to pass between posts! Many books have come and gone since October. I'll be posting each book separately.