Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to the 2009-2010 School Year! I hope you have been reading some good books!

I have read Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson.
In this book, Tyler Miller, whose transformation from a meek, social Mr. Cellophane to a chiseled, admired "tough guy" sets his world on end. As someone who spends his days unnoticed, Tyler finds himself with more attention than he wanted after he vandalizes school property and, to pay for his crime, takes a summer job doing landscaping. The unforeseen side effect is that he returns the next school year turning heads, most notably the head of Bethany Milbury. But not everything --- even Bethany's advances --- works out well for Tyler. As he struggles to contend with his angry father, a mistrustful faculty and the aftermath of a party, Tyler comes to the painful realization that there's a substantial price tag for his newfound popularity, and he gets tired of juggling the consequences. Excellent Book!!